"Come to Me..."

-Matthew 11:28

Our Lord Jesus Christ is a Savior of infinite compassion and lovingkindness. At the same time, the Savior of mankind is the Almighty. Through His miracles, beginning with the creation, He proved nothing was impossible for Him. He created the world out of nothing. He commands and it comes to pass. He can bring light to the darkness of our souls, peace in the midst of our anxiety, purpose in the midst of our confusion, strength at the point of our greatest weakness, victory over our most persistent sins, forgiveness for our failure in following Him and joy in the midst of our sorrow. We hear more and more about the world and our nation rejecting God but the greatest need of all remains the same, the need to come to Him. Will you come to Him with all the concerns of your life? After all He has promised "...the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out". Be encouraged!

Scripture References: Matthew 11:28; John 6:37