I need your help. I’m developing what will hopefully be an amusing article about obsolete words, expressions, and product names. Please send me obsolete words, expressions, and the names of former products from your world.
Here is what we have so far:
▪ 8 track tape
▪ Carburetor
▪ Cassette
▪ Civility
▪ “Dial the phone,”
▪ Fax
▪ Horse and buggy
▪ “Let’s speak face to face.”
▪ Listening
▪ Phonograph
▪ “Roll down the window,”
▪ Electric Typewriter: a pair of obsolete words that get you a blank stare outside of a rest home
▪ Word processing
▪ Yours?
Please email your ideas to me at jel@e911.com, Subject Line: Obsolete Words, Expressions, and Product Names. It would be nice to have them by close of business this Friday, February 21st.
Thank you.