encouragement Christmas2

"For God so loved the world..."

-John 3:16

The Christmas season serves as a reminder of God's great love for mankind. Our God has compassion on this whole sinful world. All whom He has created He regards with His unconditional love for them. He does not love their sin, but He loves their souls. He is "not wishing for any to perish," but many of their own choosing will. He "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth," but many will not come. At Christmas, we are once again reminded that "Christ is God's gracious gift to the whole world! For God takes "no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live." Without hesitation, we should offer God's great love freely, fully and without reservation to all men. This love can be only be found and experienced in Christ Jesus. Be encouraged. God so loves the world!

References: John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9; 1 Timothy 2:4; J.C. Ryle; Ezekiel 33:11