"Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

-Matthew 11:28

At one time, gaining entrance into Ivy League schools like Columbia and Harvard took proven academic excellence. Then, with DEI, one's birthright, race or sexual orientation contributed to one's acceptance. More recently, one's willingness to protest against Israel, abortion limits, and fossil fuels was proof that one belonged. This has a parallel to those seeking entrance into heaven, even in the church. For some, they trust in their own knowledge rather than a knowledge of Scripture. When it comes to the Bible, they may have head knowledge but not heart or spiritual knowledge. It may be in their mind but not in their heart. Others think they will go to heaven because they were born and raised in Christian families and have always been part of the church. Others being conservatives and standing against things like abortion, transgenderism, and progressive liberal agendas, believe that proves they are on their way to heaven. All the above represent the shortcomings of human effort and endeavors when it comes to salvation, eternal life, and entrance into heaven. Jesus is still saying from His Word, do not trust in who you are, your efforts, endeavors, or energy. Entrance into heaven is still the free gift of God to all who come to Christ with childlike faith, trusting not in who you are and what you are doing but in who He is and what He has done. Be encouraged!

Scripture References: Matthew 11:28