encouragement side

For “Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.”

- Romans 10:13

I love this verse for it tells me there is hope for all in this world. Prayers have been going up on both sides of the world for Siberian Vikitor Kuuler who, in his sixties, had been steeped in Shamanism all his life. I received word last week that he has now trusted the Lord Jesus Christ to be his Savior. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preached “that anyone can be a Christian. It is not a matter of nationality; it is not a question of being born in a particular country nor belonging to a certain tradition… In the church there have always been people of every conceivable type and permutation and make-up, and they are still found today… all over the world you still see it… you never know what is going to happen; because of this truth there is hope for all; no one is beyond the pale’.” This is why Jesus commanded that we “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” No matter where or when, salvation is there for whosoever will. Be encouraged!

References: Romans 10:13; D. Martyn Lloyd Jones, The Life of Peace; Mark 16:15