One: All questionable, inappropriate, unethical, unconscionable, immoral, predatory, improper, victim-producing and criminal behaviors are intentional. All ethical, moral, compassionate, decent, civil and lawful behaviors are also intentional. The choice is always clear and always yours.
Two: Workplaces and homes with integrity, civility, respect and decency are safer and more ethical.
Three: Those who lead with genuine integrity, civility, respect and decency are likely to be more ethical.
Four: Unconscionable intentions, behaviors, actions and decisions:
• that vilify, damage, demean, dismiss, diminish, humiliate
• that cause needless but intentional pain, express anger and irritation, demand or bully
• that are mean, negative, insulting, disrespectful, disparaging
• that are tone deaf, without empathy, that intentionally injure, accuse, overbear
• that are punitive, harmfully restrictive, exceed the boundaries of decency civility and integrity
-- all are unethical.
Five: Apology is the atomic energy of empathy. Apologies tend to stop bad things from starting and start to stop bad things.
Six: Empathy is positive, constructive actions, deeds, and decisions that demonstrate civility, decency and integrity while speaking louder than words possibly can.
Seven: Let more deeds, decisions and action speak for themselves.