Vol IX, Issue 09                            The Award Weekly                            01 March 2017 “I was at a meeting presided over by Doctor Car


Vol IX, Issue 09                            The Award Weekly                            01 March 2017


“I was at a meeting presided over by Doctor Carl Reinhardt where a schoolmaster made the remark, 'I have no faith in this boy.' Dr. Reinhardt said to him, 'Then you have no right to educate him.' What he meant was that each boy or girl entrusted to our care had a self worthy of realization and a self capable of serving a purpose which goes beyond his or her personal happiness. 'Grow to be what you are' was the motto of his life's work.”

Kurt Hahn

A Journey to Self-Discovery


A real contribution that makes a difference

Participants of Bawa Lalvani Public School (BLPS), Kapurthala (Punjab) have registered for the Bronze Level of the Award and taken on a mission to make a real contribution to society and make a difference through their work. Ms. Ekta Dhawan, Principal, Bawa Lalvani Public School, Kapurthala, shares the report of the work undertaken by the Bronze level participants.

The Award is an exciting self-development programme available to all young people worldwide, equipping them with life skills and exposing them to make a difference to their lives and their
communities. In one such endeavour to make a difference, the Bronze Award participants
from BLPS have been devoting their time, love and care to the underprivileged children of village Kokalpur, Distt. Kapurthala. Each Award participant of the group has taken a pledge to make a difference to the life of at least one child of the village. These participants are enthusiastically engaged in teaching them, grooming them and also creating awareness among children about good health and well-being, a balanced diet, good toilet habits, air-borne diseases and water-borne diseases. They have been educating the village about different ways of administering first-aid in case of a snakebite, insect bite etc. They use their pocket money to buy things for their buddy in the village and make them feel responsible for their individual growth and development.

These engagements of Bronze level participants have not only made a difference in their levels of confidence and self esteem but has also made a difference in the lives of the children from the village. They look forward to meeting with their IAYP buddies and learning from them.

We are very grateful to IAYP for arousing in the young minds the urge to serve the community.


Award Leader Reflections on the Award

Jai Vir Singh, Snow Leopard Adventures Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon
"This Award Programme is very good for students since it helps in their overall development. I think the four sections of the Award: Service, Skills, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey, help students experience things and also try things out of their comfort zone, which is important for their growth and development. These sections provide them a choice to select the best option giving them a competitive advantage. The Award challenges them and teaches them how to set realistic goals and then achieve them."

Krushna Oh Behra, Templeton Academy International, Naukuchiatal
"This Award Programme provides opportunities to youth where through experiential learning they learn what is good and what is bad for them. They learn what is important and unimportant for them. They understand what path to choose and how to move with confidence on the set path by setting the right goals. This programme is instrumental in their growth and leading them on the path of progress."

Explore Spiti, be a part of Solar Conservation Project 2017 - Registrations Open till 15th April 2017

Residential Project and Adventurous Journey for Gold Participants, 2nd - 17th June, 2017, Spiti, Northern Himalayas, India

Gold Award participants from around the globe are welcome to apply for the two-weeks Solar Conservation Project at Spiti, Himachal Pradesh, organised by Ecosphere in collaboration with IAYP India. The project is one of its kind, combining an Adventurous Journey and Gold Residential Project exclusively for Gold Award participants.

During this journey, the Award participants will participate in the actual construction of the Solar Bath and the set up of a Solar Water Geyser (Evacuated Tube Condenser) or a Greenhouse and will be assisted by a dedicated team of well-qualified masons and the representative from Ecosphere. The construction period will be 7 to 8 days. The trip will be an amalgam of work, learning and pleasure.

During this trip, the Award participants will also be visiting some of the highest villages in the world, going on a high-altitude trek, visiting some ancient monasteries dating back over 1,000 years and taking a yak/horse safari and mountain bike. Traditional home stays will further enrich the experience by giving an authentic understanding of the life and culture in a Spitian home. Detailed information can be obtained from here. If you are interested in being a part of the Solar Conservation Project, download the application form here.

The International Gold Event (IGE) 2017

25th October – 30th October 2017 at Prague, Czech Republic

Youth Engaging Society (YES)

YES Centres in India are strategic allies in promoting the all-inclusive growth of The Award. Click for updated list

Events in Focus - Contact the Programme Team for details

10th - 11th March 2017: Training Workshop for IAYP License & ITAPs License Activity Support Providers for the delivery of Adventurous Journey Section and the Residential Project
6th - 7th April 2017: Award Leader Training (YES Workshop) at Centre Point School, Nagpur
2nd - 17th June 2017: Seventh Solar Conservation Project 2017 - Residential Project and Adventurous Journey for Gold Participants at Spiti, Himachal Pradesh.
4th - 6th September 2017: Asia Pacific Regional Conference, London
25th – 30th October 2017: International Gold Event (IGE) at Prague, Czech Republic.

Partners / Trained Activity Provider Update

The aim of partnering is to harness the potential and to encourage young people to grow from their own strengths. Individuals and organisations are welcome to partner with the Award Programme Foundation, and help develop the Programme. Click to visit the Partners page

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Association

Connect with Us

IAYP India Office in Delhi
Phone: +91 11 4108 7062 and Telefax: +91 11 26497164

Programme Manager - Bivujit Mukhoty
Mob: +91 9310133900, email: programme@dofe.in / bivujit@dofe.in

Head IT & ORB - Priyank Kumar Gupta
Mob: +91 9719408779, email: priyank@dofe.in

Communications Manager
Tel.: +91 11 26497164, email: communication@dofe.in

For more information visit www.iayp.in  
Contact the Communications Team with updates, photos, feedback and more. 

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