Open Vacancies for the November Election

Please be advised that the following vacancies have been created by either resignation submitted beyond the time for filing a petition or withdrawals by candidate(s). If you are interested in submitting a name to fill the vacancy,
in accordance with the Purdons Statutes 25 PS. Section 2954, for the November 7, 2017 Municipal General Election. Each candidate must be from the corresponding election district of the vacant position. The positions will be for the balance of the unexpired terms.

Council – 4 year term; to complete 2 years of the remainder of the term ending December 2020.


Council - 4 year term; to complete original 4 year term ending December 2022.

Council - 4 year term; to complete original 4 year term ending December 2022.

If you live in one of these boroughs or know someone who does and are willing to fill the position, please contact Chairman Lee Snover, 610-730-3275 or send an email to no later than August 10. All paperwork must be complete and filed at the Election Office by August 24.

Contact with Voters at Summer Events

The next few weeks brings us major summer community events where we staff booths to hand out candidate literature, register voters, distribute absentee ballot request forms, and make personal contact with interested voters.

We are sponsoring booths at the Blue Valley Farm Show, the Northampton Street Fair, the Pen Argyl Fireman's Weekend and Parade, and the Forks Community Days. These are great eventsand a lot of fun to staff and meet voters.

For a list of these events with dates, please visit our Community Events Page

Interested in volunteering? We would like you to join us. Please send us an email with the events, dates and times you can help.

Please also see our Events Page for upcoming political events by local organizations and candidates.

NCRC Executive Committee Location and Date Change this month

Because of the great Blue Valley Farm Show, we have moved this month's NCRC Executive Committee to Thursday August 17 at 7:30 PM at the Bangor Rescue Fire Company Social Hall, 209 Pennsylvania Avenue, Bangor.

Please come early to the fair opening at 5:00 PM and enjoy the Blue Valley Farm Show, stop by the booth and even volunteer for some period of time before joining us at the meeting.

Kind regards,
The NCRC Leadership Team