encouragement side

"...everyone who beholds the Son, and believes in Him, may have eternal life; and I Myself will raise Him up on the last day."

-John 6:40

This was a most unusual Easter, a time when people normally flock to churches. But this year, with few exceptions, churches were closed. Hopefully, this did not distract you from the importance of the resurrection. If Jesus was still in the tomb, all hope is gone. It would mean that He was not sinless, that the Father did not accept His sacrifice for sin, that God is not omnipotent, that the character of God is destroyed, that the Bible cannot be trusted, that the gospel is void of its power and all preaching is in vain, that Jesus is not Lord of all, that the dead have not been raised, that we are still in our sins and that we are to be most pitied for we placed our hope where there is no hope. But 2000 years ago, a funeral was turned into triumph, great joy and hope. Jesus had risen! Risen indeed! The early church could face hardship, suffering, persecution and even martyrdom, because for them, with faith in the resurrected Christ, their death became a new beginning of living in the presence of the Lord in all His glory. And for those who have placed complete trust in Him for salvation, it has been that way ever since. Be encouraged!

References: John 6:40