encouragement side

The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”

-Psalm 14:1

In Siberia, in the Tuvian village of Elegest, we gave a Bible to nearly one hundred students and their teachers. Soon after, a teacher came to me and thanked me for the Bible, saying that, under Communism, he was taught there was no God, but now he said he would read the Bible. Lenin, Marx, and a host of others from around the world who have already entered their eternal destiny now know the price of their folly. "Professing to be wise, they became fools ."As believers, we know there is a God with whom we have a personal relationship, through Jesus Christ, His Son. We, too, are fools, but "We are fools for Christ's sake" as we live out our faith in the true and living God. Be encouraged!

Scripture References: Psalm 14:1; Romans 1:22; John 14:6; 1 Corinthians 4:10