"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name."

-John 1:12

Here in America, where more and more are embracing a socialistic mindset and the anti-Christian sentiment that comes with it, we can plainly see that the rejection of Christ is on the upswing. But for those who receive Him, they are the children of God by faith, born again by a new and heavenly birth. Adopted into the family of the King of Kings, they become new creations in Christ with a new beginning and a different perspective on life and the world around them.

In the media, sporting events, and politics, we know when the Lord is rejected and the living God is mocked. In social circles today, there is a lot of talk about privilege in a negative sense, but what we have here is God privilege. There is no greater privilege than to be sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty. Although we are few in number and increasingly despised by the world, we experience the love and care of our heavenly father every day. It is such a privilege to be a child of God, sins forgiven, already possessing eternal life, on our way to heaven. And it is all undeserved, unearned, and by grace freely given to as many as receive Him. Be encouraged!

Scripture References: John 1:12; John 1:11-13