"For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart." - Matthew 12:34 One’s speech reveals what is in the heart. Since the heart “is more deceit

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"For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart."

- Matthew 12:34

One’s speech reveals what is in the heart. Since the heart “is more deceitful than all else”, sometimes one’s words can be deceptive concerning who they really are. The world and even the church can be full of pretenders. However, Christians are those in whom Christ dwells in their “hearts through faith.” So a believer’s speech is to reveal his relationship with the Lord. Since Christ lives in me, as a believer, I am enabled to speak the truth and especially, the truth about Him. Bishop Hall wrote, “If Christ be not in our hearts we are godless; if He be there without joy, we are senseless; if we rejoice in Him, and not speak of Him, we are shamefully unthankful. I will think of Thee always, O Lord; so it shall be my joy to speak of Thee often; and if I find not opportunity, I will make it.” With joy, may your heart be full of the love and peace of Christ that by your words, you may “proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness…” Be encouraged!

References: Matthew 12:34; Jeremiah 17:9; Ephesians 3:17; 1 Peter 2:9 D.L. Moody, Thoughts from My Library
