On This Month’s Docket:
1. Famous Last Words - A new feature. You’ll get the idea when you see it. It’s very brief, short and memorable.
2. Jim’s Wisdom – A helpful, usable epigram. Send me yours, would be happy to share it.
3. Lukaszewski’s Civility and Decency Manifesto – A tool you can use with all those people who want to go too far.
4. Picturing Sexual Harassment – A useful infographic which helps tell the whole story.
5. People Are Talking – Read about the origin of my nickname, Yoda.
6. Upcoming Appearances – It’s going to be a busy fall. Hoping you can join me at these events.
A powerful, new podcast, “Preparing to Lead: Leadership Skill Building For Communication Professionals.” Four experts talking about something we all need to know more about, leadership. (Listen Here)