Often heard by perpetrators (smart executives) just before they are caught, tried, and sentenced to prison or heavily fined from someone clos

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Often heard by perpetrators (smart executives) just before they are caught, tried, and sentenced to prison or heavily fined from someone close to them.


July 2018

Welcome to July. Last month we saw our oldest granddaughter Molly graduate from High School. She starts college orientation in about 2 weeks. Summer is half gone. It’s 101 degrees here in Minneapolis today as I write this. Must be something to this global warming stuff.


On This Month’s Docket:

1. Famous Last Words - A new feature. You’ll get the idea when you see it. It’s very brief, short and memorable.

2. Jim’s Wisdom – A helpful, usable epigram. Send me yours, would be happy to share it.

3. Lukaszewski’s Civility and Decency Manifesto – A tool you can use with all those people who want to go too far.

4. Picturing Sexual Harassment – A useful infographic which helps tell the whole story.

5. People Are Talking – Read about the origin of my nickname, Yoda.

6. Upcoming Appearances – It’s going to be a busy fall. Hoping you can join me at these events.

A powerful, new podcast, “Preparing to Lead: Leadership Skill Building For Communication Professionals.” Four experts talking about something we all need to know more about, leadership. (Listen Here)


James E. Lukaszewski
ABC, Fellow IABC; APR, Fellow PRSA; BEPS Emeritus
America's Crisis Guru®
The Lukaszewski Group
Email: jel@e911.com | Web: www.e911.com | Phone/Text: 203-948-7029


Lukaszewski’s Civility and Decency Manifesto


The true test of civility is a commitment to verbal and written communication that are predominantly positive and declarative and behaviors that are simple, sensitive, sensible, constructive, positive, helpful, empathetic and benefit the recipient out of proportion positively to the sender.

There are so many pathways to civility, decency, and integrity, pick as many as you can....

Jim s Wisdom

Infographic: The Iceberg of Sexual Harassment

iceberg infographic  1

This figure displays the public consciousness of sexual harassment and specific sexually harassing behaviors. For an in-depth discussion of these issues, check out our Sexual Harassment of Women Report, which explores the influence of sexual harassment in academia on the career advancement of women in the scientific, technical, and medical workforce.

Permission is granted to reproduce this figure with no additions or alterations, for educational, noncommercial use.

For all other requests, please contact permissions@nas.edu.

Copy of Lukas News
Yoda Lamp Photo

“There was Jim Lukaszewski aka Yoda, our crises manager who changed our lives with his advocacy of unapologetic honesty and forthrightness, and engagement with our critics who told us to trust his ‘formula’ even as our critics were using our honesty against us. Jim was the doctor who kept saying there would be light at the end of the tunnel of pain and who gave us the confidence to hang on. Thanks to you for helping make that possible and for making us better people in the process. I never realized I would meet the best teacher I will ever have when I was long out of school.”


2018 Upcoming Appearances


September 20, 2018: IABC Fellows 2018 Zoomcasts with Jim Lukaszewski participating: Episode 37 / Noon EST - Blending And Reshaping Internal And External Communication

October 8, 2018: PRSA ICON Conference: Panelist. Austin, TX. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

November 11-13, 2018 – IABC Heritage Region Conference: Keynote Speaker. Richmond, VA. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER


Circle of Fellows Replay

Preparing to Lead: Leadership Skill Building For Communication Professionals

Recorded June 21, 2018; IABC Fellows 2018 Zoomcasts: Episode 34

Does advancing to the ranks of senior management really require you to win the battle for a coveted “seat at the table?” To make the transition to a top leadership position requires a change in behavior to advance your career and the role of communication. The June installment of “Circle of Fellows” will examine the communicator as facilitator in the boardroom, as a leader of innovation, and a unifier and ground-breaker in transformative collaboration.

IABC Fellows participated in a live online conversation about leadership skill-building for communicators.

IABC podcast host Shel Holtz (also a Fellow) moderated the panel that included James Lukaszewski, Mary Ann McCauley, and Barbara Puffer.

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