September 12, 2017 Yes, Break’s over, welcome back to the working world. Where were you on 9/11, 2001? Do you remember? I do....Read More H

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September 12, 2017

Yes, Break’s over, welcome back to the working world.

Where were you on 9/11, 2001? Do you remember? I do....Read More Here

Why is it that America has learned, better than any other country or culture in the world, how to build great companies led by visionary business leaders, and yet stands by as so many companies and leaders sink into ethical mischief or outright criminality? Clearly there is a disconnect between the character of the businesses America creates and the ability of those who lead them to meet the moral and ethical expectations of our society. One is always tempted to say we've entered a new era of corporate misbehavior and greed. The truth is this is just the next wave. America has had wave after wave going back centuries of businesses as well as government behaving badly.

The September issue brings you:

Apple CEO Tim Cook's address to the 2017 MIT graduating class about the moral responsibility of businesses. I've converted his talk into a manifesto which I hope you find interesting, useful and shareable among the CEOs and senior managers you know. I’m betting employees will really resonate with it.

An update to the answer of the most frequent question I'm asked by those wanting to enter the crisis management field. "How do I get some experience in crisis so firms and consultancies will consider hiring me to work in crisis?" This is the third update of this blog, this one contains a much more extensive list of community related opportunities where individuals desiring crisis experience can get some, without having any. I'm indebted to Dave Schoeneck a longtime member of our local Red Cross staff and an international first responder for a detailed list of the kinds and types of organizations that exist in so many American communities where volunteers can get some real hands-on crisis experience. He is in Florida from Houston as you receive this newsletter.

Why employee engagement continues to fail. I'll be writing a lot more about this, this year.

How to Be a Truly Trusted Strategic Ethics Advisor – Part I, an article from PRSA tactics September, 2017; and Part II, a blog from

I would love to speak with you about these ideas. Please text, email, or call me.


James E. Lukaszewski
ABC, Fellow IABC; APR, Fellow PRSA; BEPS Emeritus
America's Crisis Guru®
The Lukaszewski Group
8306 Norman Creek Trail, Bloomington, MN 55437
Email: | Web: |
Cell, 24/7 (text/email/voice mail): 203-948-7029
To order books: Amazon

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Events of the week of August 10, 2017 in Charlottesville, North Carolina may go down in the history of American business as the moment that triggered something of a visible epiphany in the behaviors and beliefs of many US business leaders. Tim Cook, chief executive of Apple was inspired to begin a national conversation about the moral responsibilities of tech businesses.



employee engagement

Management, especially American managements, have an ongoing struggle and sense of disappointment about their ability to engage employees effectively, in the organization’s business, culture, issues, and progress. What triggered my commenting on this essentially dead-end idea was a review of a PWC study, “Evolving An Engaging Work Experience, Building Foundations And Creating Distinction.”



Gain Experience

There are a lot of places to get crisis experience and experience in the real world of crisis is essential to have the credibility to speed up access to the practice of crisis management. Crisis Management is currently the most sought-after area of public relations practice; and even though colleges are offering degrees in crisis management, real life experience is a prerequisite to practice.



Part 1: Featured in the Sept. edition, PRSA Public Relations Tactics


When the subject is ethics, I’m always drawn to a simple statement made by Will Durant, who with his wife, Ariel, spent several decades writing an amazing series of books called The Story of Philosophy. His definition (a philosopher’s I grant you) of ethics is “the search for perfect behavior.” Some translations say “the search for ideal behavior.” You get the idea.

Part 2: Featured on PRSA, PR Say blog


Working in ethics and giving ethical advice is among the most challenging tasks we have as practitioners and advisers. Developing a personal core value approach, which you can talk about and teach to others, is an essential part of having the access, impact and influence required of a trusted strategic ethics advisor.
